Draw for 3 Free Copies of 201 Writing Prompts

201 Writing PromptsI’m a little early for the vernal equinox, but I thought I’d celebrate spring by offering a draw for 3 PDF copies of one of my books, 201 Writing Prompts. (Click on the cover to learn more about the book.) The three winning names will be chosen from those who leave a comment on this blog post between now (March 17, 2016) and 5 PM Eastern Time on Thursday, March 31, 2016. I’ll be entering everyone’s name into random.org and the top three names will be the winners.

If you can’t think of anything to write as a comment, I’d really appreciate your input on my current project. I’m creating an online fiction writing course for teens. The course can be used by teen writers as a resource and guide for their writing projects, and I’m also preparing support material for homeschoolers who might want to use it with their students.

  • Any particular topics that you think I must definitely cover in this course?
  • Any topics you need resources for?
  • Any writing examples or models that you’d love to have?
  • What’s the most important topic that should be covered in a fiction writing course for teens?

Any suggestions you offer will be greatly appreciated!

Don’t forget to leave your comment for a chance to win a PDF copy of 201 Writing Prompts. Good luck!

Writing Prompts March 2016

March came in like a lion here with high winds and snow. Today, we have blue skies and sunshine. Yup, it’s March in Ontario alright. Aside from surviving the crazy weather, I’ve been the unwelcome host of a nasty cold (snorfle, sniff, moan) since Sunday, and finally crawled out of my pity party today to realize that I hadn’t written my March writing prompts. You will find them below.

Online course planning with sticky notes
Online course planning with sticky notes

Since I wrote last, I have been busy working on creating an online fiction writing course for teen writers with help from Joseph Michael and D’vorah Lansky. It’s a painstaking process and I don’t imagine anything will see the light of day until May, but it’s been exciting to brainstorm topics and ideas in the planning stages. I’m a big fan of sticky notes for this part of the process, as you can see. Soon, I will be getting down to organizing all this pink chaos into units and lessons. After that comes the creation of the actual audio-visual components–a scary prospect, I can assure you. Like most people, I’m not in my happy place in front of a microphone. But, I also enjoy a challenge, so … 🙂

Here are your writing prompts. I hope you have a creative March ahead!

Use one, some, or all of the words in these groups to create a story or poem:

  • flower, song, frame, balloon, calm, purple
  • chair, shadow, dial, repair, candle, cup, yellow
  • path, marking, window, sky, light, white

See if you can imagine a story or poem with one of these titles: Thursday’s Child, A Small Hero, Shadow Land, The Blue Empire, Target Gold, Last Gasp, Dragon Rites, Clock Tower, Midnight Moon, The Wanderer, Broken Promise

Try one of these opening lines for your story or novel:

  • One of these days, I’m going to say no.
  • I agreed that Henry was a puzzle, but I was the only one who thought a couple of pieces were missing.
  • It’s bad enough when your ex-boyfriend calls you, but when the call is from his mother, it’s time for action!
  • I knew that sound. Dragons.
  • I thought space was supposed to be silent.
  • We didn’t know it would be our last sunset at the lake.
  • Tires screeched. I turned and ran down the alley.
  • He lit a cigarette and watched Henry close the door.

See if you can imagine a scene from one of these groups of dialogue lines:

Are you sure we’re going the right way?
These are the directions Henry gave me.
Was that before or after you had the fight?

Do you think Mrs. Wilson knows?
Knows what?
That Helen cheated.
We’ll find out soon.

I saw Henry this morning.
But, I thought he said he was leaving last night.
That’s what he wanted us to think.

Why do we have to meet on the bridge?
What’s the matter? Scared?
I’ve got every reason to be.






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