Dude! Short Stories for Boys–Free Today on Amazon

Dude! An Anthology of Stories for Boys
Dude! An Anthology of Stories for Boys


Just a quick promo note. If you have a Kindle and a boy who needs some new reading material, Dude! is free today and Saturday on Amazon.

Dude! is a short story anthology written especially for pre-teen and early teen boys. It includes a range of genres, including science fiction, fantasy, adventure, mystery, sports and historical fiction–a young Sherlock Holmes even makes an appearance! The second volume is “under construction” and promises more sports, fantasy, time travel, and adventure.

Amazon.com link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00OUVDL7O/ref=tsm_1_fb_lk

Amazon.co.uk link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dude-Anthology-Short-Stories-Boys-ebook/dp/B00OUVDL7O/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&sr=1-24&qid=1431692072

Amazon.ca link: http://www.amazon.ca/Dude-Anthology-Short-Stories-Boys-ebook/dp/B00OUVDL7O/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_img_1


Writing Prompts for May 2015

Signs of Spring
Signs of Spring

“Tra la, it’s May!”–words from Lerner and Loewe’s Camelot, and I must say I’m glad that the month of May has finally turned up. It’s been a long slog of a spring, but finally the daffodils and forsythia are blooming and the grass is green, and I’ve even been able to take my office outside for a few hours at a time. Perfect! I hope that wherever you are, you can enjoy a change in the seasons that brings promises of a creative summer ahead.

Here are May’s writing prompts (late, I know), but I hope you find a story or two to keep you creative this month.

1. See what story or poem you can create from these random words:

  • shout, door, red, race, grass, shudder
  • part, time, sage, window, trees, distance

2. Here are some opening sentences that might suggest a story or two.

  • The birds stopped singing.
  • Well. I hope you’re happy.
  • You’ve been invited to the court.
  • I have a very active imagination, but even I knew I hadn’t imagined a gun shot
  • The officer waited patiently for him to explain.
  • Finally, all the waiting would be over.
  • I didn’t want to leave.
  • Rain soaked through her cloak.
  • The loud tick of the clock seemed to echo in the room.
  • The song ended.

3. Here are some lines of dialogue that might suggest a scene or two.

  • Yesterday the plan was to leave at noon.
  • That was yesterday.
  • So what changed?
  • Everything.


  • I thought you weren’t going to make it.
  • I had to go back.
  • What for?
  • This.


  • That last person who tried that was sorry he tried.
  • Why? What happened?
  • Peter happened.

4. Try one of these titles for a story: Once Upon a Crime, Band Camp, The Empty Throne, The Last Stranger, The Wrong Body, Off Course, Danger Bay

5. What does/would your character with for when blowing out the candles on his/her birthday cake?

6. Are you a superhero fan? Would you or your character love to have a superpower? If so, what would it be?

And, I know I’m a couple of days early, but May the fourth be with you and bring you creative days ahead.






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