September Writing Prompts

Summer vacation pic.

After so many years of attending school and being a teacher, Labour Day is the day that marks a fresh start for me–sort of an early New Year’s Day. This is the time of year that I make those resolutions to write more, exercise more, schedule more ‘me time’, get my life in balance.

I think part of the reason for this is that, once school begins, I’m on a schedule. That daily work timetable makes it more likely that I will timetable other important things in my life, too. I keep a daily calendar during the school year with times blocked off for classes, and then what I have left are tempting blank spaces to fill with other projects. Love that.

How do you block out time for your writing and the other important things in your life? Do you keep a daily calendar or diary? Does Labour Day seem like New Year’s to you?

Here are some writing prompts to play with in September.

1. Freewrite using one, some or all of the following words: leaves, books, new, bright, time, hope

2. Try one of these opening sentences and see where the story takes  you.

  • “Where did you come from?”
  • The screech of gulls stopped her in her tracks.
  • Charlie read the inscription in the front of the book again. Now, what does that mean, he wondered.
  • After four days, Jeff had had enough.
  • I hated it when she smiled that way.
  • It didn’t take long to realize that, once they found the body, I was going to be suspect number one.

3.  Some dialogue to play with.

  • The fire is out.
  • Don’t look at me! I’m no boy scout.
  • I figured that out already. Just what are you?


  • Why do you keep staring at that painting?
  • I know who painted it.
  • Well, that’s not difficult. His name is in the corner.
  • You don’t understand. I know who really painted it.

4. Here are some September-related song titles. Try one as the title of a story or poem.

See You In September, September Song, It Might As Well Rain Until September, September Morning, Autumn in New York, My September Love, Chill Of An Early Fall.

What I’ve Been Doing This Summer

201 Writing Starters

This is one of the projects I’ve been working on this summer, and I’m happy to say it’s finally online.

In 201 Writing Starters, I’ve collected previously published writing prompts and added over 100 more. I’ve also included an article, “Keeping the Writer in You Motivated,” to help keep you inspired when the writing doldrums hit.

Currently 201 Writing Starters is only available at Smashwords, but in a week or two, it should be available at other online booksellers. I’ll keep you posted!

If  you have a moment, please drop by Smashwords to explore the book and download some sample pages.


Book Cover for Sherlock Holmes and the Orphanage Mystery

Sherlock Holmes and the Orphanage Mystery cover art by Elly Lee

No, it’s not a missing story from the Doyle canon. It’s the cover for a book that I wrote for JLS Storybook Project, a publisher that creates ESL material for Korean students learning English. I had a wonderful time writing the book and can’t wait to see the published product–and the other illustrations that are inside. Many thanks to the illustrator, Elly Lee.

In Sherlock Holmes and the Orphanage Mystery, two children who are living on the street  desperately want to be members of Holmes’ Baker Street Irregulars. Going under cover in an orphanage, they use their wits, secret messages, and street smarts to unravel the villains’ plot and earn a place in the Irregulars–and a new home.

It was great fun renewing my acquaintance with the Holmes’ stories while I did research for the Orphanage Mystery. I hope my story leads the students to read the originals sometime, and that they enjoy them as much I as do.

Have you ever written a story or book using characters created by other authors? Who would you like to write about?

August Writing Prompts

The summer is passing by too quickly–as usual. I hope you’ve been enjoying every moment and finding time to write and enjoy family and friends. We’ve had heat and drought here with shriveling crops and yellow grass in abundance. It’s been a real challenge to stay focused and creative while trying to keep cool. I’ve been working on an ebook of writing prompts that I hope to release via Smashwords in the next week or so. It will include some prompts that I’ve already published, but over half are new. I look forward to telling you more about it soon. Until then, here are some writing starters for August.

a) gives these definitions for august: 1.inspiring reverence or admiration; of supreme dignity or grandeur; majestic: an august performance of a religious drama. 2. venerable; eminent: an august personage. What or who inspires your reverence or admiration? If you are creating a character that inspire admiration, what traits does he or she have? Have you ever met someone or would you like to meet someone who could be described as venerable or eminent? Who is this person? Describe him or her.

b) Brainstorm around the word dry. Here are a few ideas to get you started–bone dry, dry out, dry as a desert, parched, dry dock.

c) Here are a few opening lines you might try.

1. A thick screen of ivy wrapped the walls.

2. I lost it.

3. All the frames held photos, except one.

4. I planned to be finished in an hour.

5. Some women attract men; I attract stray cats.

d) Use one, some, or all of the following words in a story: gem, cup, cord, lash, switch, candle.

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